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Welcome to my portfolio,
My Name in Edwin Gomez and hears a little bit about my self. I am eger to learn about the engineering process and there intrcasy, Especially Civil Enginnering, I have a passion for construction and the construction procces ever since I was a little boy and my father would take me to visit his construction sites.
Read below to see more about me
Years At Samo
Hours of Work Experience
Over 800 hours of community service
Blog 1
My 2020 summer break was a very interesting one. My family and I self quarantined for more than 4 months and staying inside for this long made me appreciate the outdoors. This year in the PLTW program I am excited to work on more team building exercises, I understand that reaching everyone during these hard times will be finicky but it would be interesting to see if team building is still something that's possible in the 2020 digital age of online work and schooling. Overall school wise Im ready to give it my all, as well as showing an improvement in all my classes. This is my last year at samo so I would love to give it all my effort to show growth in all of my classes, even ones I stuggled in.
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